Be the flower (Custom text)

Rp 99,000.00

Be the flower that gives its fragrance to even the hand that crushes it. This artwork will inspire you to be kind person as a flower and its fragrance. Luluq Baraqbah created this artwork to motivate your day by decorating your wall and to add a touch of inspiration to the everyday.

This art print is available in various sizes for both art print and framed art print. We also offer custom text which enable you to have your wishes and quote printed on this products. If you are one of a kind who likes to put a personal touch on things, this is the best choice for you.

Leave your text in the notes while checkout, or send the email to Click here to see more about product details & how we produce your order.

We will review your order and discuss your detail requirements shortly after you checkout and payment status is completed.

Thanks so much for taking the time to look at my website. Follow us on instagram and get to know how the artist create every astounding artwork for you. Do not hesitate to message, even if just to say hello.

Artwork may not be reproduced by any process without permission | Artist, Luluq Baraqbah.